
August 28, 2023
Hero. Down to earth. Humble. Trailblazer. Encourager. Courageous. Friend. Those were some of the words used to describe Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Sharon G. Lee at her portrait unveiling at the Knoxville Supreme Court Building on August 24.  The event, sponsored by the Knoxville Bar…

August 24, 2023
The Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts will livestream the portrait unveiling and retirement celebration of Justice Sharon G. Lee on August 24 at 3 p.m. EDT/2 p.m. CDT from the Knoxville Supreme Court Building. Justice Lee is set to retire on August 31. She has served as a Tennessee…

July 20, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court issued opinions today in two cases asserting claims under the Health Care Liability Act. In both opinions, the Court held that the plaintiffs could proceed with their vicarious liability claims against the defendant hospitals, which were timely filed, even though the…

July 14, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court today held that the criminal gang-enhancement statute, Tennessee Code Annotated section 40-35-121, is worded broadly and does not require the State to specify in the indictment a criminal defendant’s gang subset. The statute also does not require the indictment to set…

July 11, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court has suspended Shelby County attorney Gerald D. Waggoner, Jr. from the practice of law in Tennessee for two years for violating disciplinary rules. In 2017, the Tennessee Supreme Court suspended Mr. Waggoner for three years from the practice of law for removing client…

July 7, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court issued an opinion today holding that Supreme Court Rule 13, which provides the procedure for administering funds appropriated by the Tennessee Legislature for assisting indigent litigants in capital cases, was constitutionally applied in the State’s case against Jessie…

June 29, 2023
In an opinion released today, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled that persons who lose the right to vote in Tennessee because of a criminal conviction in another state must comply with requirements set forth in two different Tennessee statutes, both of which address voting rights, in order to regain…

June 8, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court today adopted Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 55 – Use of Technology for Court Proceedings. The rule allows the use of teleconferencing, video conferencing, and other technology to conduct court proceedings remotely at the discretion of the trial or appellate court. Over…

June 8, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court issued opinions in two cases holding that restitution orders in criminal cases need not contain payment terms or a payment schedule to be final and appealable. Orders for restitution only have to set the amount of restitution; and, if no payment time is set, then the…

May 31, 2023
The Tennessee Supreme Court has three cases set for its June 1, 2023, docket. The first two cases will be heard in Nashville beginning at 1 p.m. CDT. The final case will be submitted on briefs. The cases will be livestreamed to the TNCourts YouTube page at: The details…