Reba Joyce Moody v. Phelps Security, Inc. and Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York

Case Number
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special W ork ers ' C om pe ns atio n A pp ea ls P an el of the Su pre m e C ou rt in acc ord an ce with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and rep ort ing of fin din gs of fa ct a nd co nc lus ion s o f law . Suit was filed in the Circuit Court at Memphis b y Re ba Joyce Moody as representative of the estate of her deceased h usband, James Jun ior Mo ody, against Phelps Security, Inc., the employer, and Fid elity and Ca sualty Co. of New Y ork, the em ployer's workers' comp ensation insurance carrier. The plaintiff sued for workers' compensation benefits as a result of an accidental injury tha t alle ge dly caused th e d ea th o f Jam es Jun ior M oo dy, in clud ing a po rtion o f the medical ex pe ns es inc urr ed . T he de fen da nts filed an an sw er a dm ittin g that Jam es Jun ior M oo dy s us taine d a ccid en tal inju ries g row ing o ut o f and in the cou rse of h is em ploy m en t, but they denied that these injuries resulted in the de ath of Ja m es Jun ior M oo dy. The answ er also stated that the insurance carrier had paid that portion of the medical expenses which w ere rela ted to th e in jurie s s us tain ed by James Junior Moody on or a bo ut N ov em be r 7, 1 99 2, th e d ate of th e a ccid en t. The de fen da nts filed a suggestion of death showing that Reba Joyce Moody, Administratrix, died on September 19, 1 994. James Moo dy and Deborah Ann Wolfe were appointed as successor Co - Administrators of the estate. The trial judge found in fav or o f the plain tiff and aw ard ed w ee kly be ne fits from the date of the death of the deceased on January 13, 1993 to the widow's death on September 19, 1994. The total medical expenses owing was Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven Thousand, Three 2
Authoring Judge
F. Lloyd Tatum, Special Judge
Originating Judge
Hon. Robert A. Lanier, Judge
Case Name
Reba Joyce Moody v. Phelps Security, Inc. and Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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