Daryl K. Collins v. Tower Automotive Products

Case Number
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated _ 5-6- 225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The trial court found Plaintiff suffered permanent impairment and awarded Plaintiff twenty-two percent (22%) permanent partial impairment to each upper extremity. Defendant asserts that the award of twenty- two percent (22%) was excessive and not supported by the evidence. From our review of the trial record, we affirm the trial court's judgment as modified. Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e) (1999) Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Chancery Court is Affirmed as Modified. L. TERRY LAFFERTY, SR. J., in which JOE C. LOSER, JR., SP. J., and JANICE M. HOLDER, J., joined. Deana C. Seymour, Jackson, TN, for the appellant, Tower Automotive Products Company, Inc., d/b/a Tower Automotive. George L. Morrison, III, Jackson, TN, for the appellee, Daryl Collins. MEMORANDUM OPINION TRIAL TESTIMONY Daryl Collins, age 39, married with two sons, has been employed at Tower Automotive Company, Inc., d/b/a Tower Automotive, hereinafter Defendant, for the past 17 years. Plaintiff's education consists of a high school diploma and an associate's degree from Jackson State Community College. Plaintiff's duties were primarily welding heavy truck parts. In 1998, Plaintiff began suffering from pain in both his right and left wrists. Plaintiff advised Defendant in January of 1999, and underwent conservative treatment. Defendant furnished him with the names of three physicians and was seen by Dr. Lewis Murphy, who referred Plaintiff to Dr. Ronald Bingham for a nerve conduction examination. Dr. Bingham referred Plaintiff to Dr. Michael Cobb when the test indicated median neuropathy at both wrists, consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome. Dr. Cobb advised Plaintiff that carpal tunnel release may be necessary for both wrists. On January 2, 2, Dr. Cobb performed carpal tunnel release on the right wrist and then on February 8, 2, carpal tunnel release was performed on Plaintiff's left wrist. Plaintiff returned to restricted duty for six weeks before Dr. Cobb released him to regular duty as a welder. Although Plaintiff returned to regular duty, he stated that his hands still hurt every day, however surgery did correct the numbness. He advised the plant nurse, Debbie Bowlin, that his hands hurt occasionally while grinding parts. At home, Plaintiff stated that he had difficulty playing (wrestling) with his eight-year-old son. Due to vibration, he cannot use a weedeater for long periods of time because of numbness. When asked about his grip strength, Plaintiff responded, "As far as grip strength, I've lost quite a bit of grip strength. It's things that I just took for granted before." Plaintiff estimated that he lost thirty percent (3%) grip strength in his hands since the injury. During cross-examination, Plaintiff agreed that he had received a pay raise since his return to work and is now making a higher hourly rate. Also, Plaintiff acknowledged that he participated in little league activities, throwing a football with his son, and taking a family vacation to Disney World. In behalf of Defendant, co-workers of Plaintiff, Kenneth Gilbert, Jeff Lowery, and supervisor, Sam Luter, testified that Plaintiff was a welder in heavy truck building. All agreed that Plaintiff returned to work, did a fine job, never made any complaints and was a good worker. Luter stated that Plaintiff could do various jobs in the plant. Also, Luter agreed that he had come to work feeling bad, but never complained to his co-workers. MEDICAL EVIDENCE For the record, the C-32 form of Dr. Michael Cobb was made an exhibit. Dr. Cobb's report reflect that Plaintiff was referred to him by Dr. Ronald Bingham as the result of a nerve conduction examination. The examination indicated a diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome on December 19, 1999. Dr. Cobb saw Plaintiff on January 12, 2, with a complaint of pain, numbness in both hands, with the right hand worse than the left. Dr. Cobb diagnosed Plaintiff with severe carpal tunnel syndrome, both hands, and recommended surgery for the best chance of a recovery. Otherwise, if decompression of the nerve is delayed, there is more chance that Plaintiff will have some permanent neuropathy. On January 2, 2, Dr. Cobb performed endoscopic carpal tunnel release on the right hand. On February 1, 2, Plaintiff's only complaint was soreness to the right hand following surgery. Plaintiff was ordered to commence grip exercises. Plaintiff agreed to undergo the same procedure on his left hand. On February 8, 2, Dr. Cobb performed endoscopic carpal tunnel release on the left hand. Dr. Cobb's report reflects that -2-
Authoring Judge
L. Terry Lafferty, Senior Judge
Originating Judge
Joe C. Morris, Chancellor
Case Name
Daryl K. Collins v. Tower Automotive Products
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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