Justice Lee to present stories of WWII POWs


Tennessee Supreme Court Justice Sharon Lee will present the compelling stories of five American soldiers captured and held as prisoners of war by the Germans in World War II. Although they were of different backgrounds and faiths and had different prison experiences, the young men shared some common qualities and traits that enabled them to endure and survive the difficult conditions of their incarcerations. Following the war, the men returned home to their families and became productive members of their communities.

The captured soldiers also shared the common experience of rearing children who became judges and lawyers in Tennessee. Justice Lee will tell the stories of her father, Charles Lee of Monroe County; Bruce Foster, the father of Bruce Foster, Jr of Knox County; Harold Leibowitz, father of Judge Mary Beth Leibowitz of Knox County; Hugh Ross, the father of Judge Carroll Ross of McMinn County; and David Goldin, father of Chancellor Arnold Goldin of Shelby County.

The program is free and open to the public.  The lecture – “American Heroes with Common Bonds: Story of Five American Soldiers held as German POW's” – will begin at noon Wednesday, October 24 at the East Tennessee History Center, 601 S. Gay Street, Knoxville.  Guests are invited to bring a “Brown Bag” lunch and enjoy the lecture.  Soft drinks will be available.