Federal Insurance Company, A/S/O Robert and Joanie Emerson vs. Martin Edward Winters, D/B/A Winters Roofing Company

Case Number

Plaintiff insurer of insured brought this action as a subrogee of the insureds, who had been paid under plaintiff's policy for a fire loss to their home. The insureds had employed a roofer to replace their roof, whose subcontractor caused the fire which destroyed the home. Plaintiff brought this action to recover from defendant roofer who filed a Motion for Summary Judgment and the trial court ruled defendant could not be held liable in tort for the negligent acts of his subcontractor under the facts of this case, and plaintiff could not recover under the theory of contract, because plaintiff could not show that the loss was caused by the contractual services or foreseeable. On appeal, we hold that summary judgment was inappropriate, because under contract law the defendant had a non-delegable duty to see that the work he was contractually obligated to perform was done in a careful, skillful and workmanlike manner. The case is remanded with instructions to proceed in accordance with this Opinion.

Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Herschel Pickens Franks
Originating Judge
Judge W. Neil Thomas, III.
Case Name
Federal Insurance Company, A/S/O Robert and Joanie Emerson vs. Martin Edward Winters, D/B/A Winters Roofing Company
Date Filed
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