Robert Henry Robinson, Jr. vs. Ann Prevatt Robinson Irons

Case Number

Robert Henry Robinson, Jr. ("Father") and Ann Prevatt Robinson Irons ("Mother") were divorced in 1998. The parties have two minor children. Although they initially had equal co-parenting time, in March of 1999 Mother was designated as the primary residential parent with Father having weekend co-parenting time. In October of 2007, Father was designated as the primary residential parent due to a threat posed by Mother's husband, John Irons, a suspected arsonist. The trial court held that this threat constituted a material change in circumstances and that it was in the children's best interest for Father to be primary residential parent. In January of 2010, pursuant to a petition to modify filed by Mother, the trial court determined that this threat no longer existed and the absence of the threat constituted a material change in circumstances. The trial court then designated Mother as the primary residential parent. Father appeals claiming there was no material change in circumstances. We affirm the trial court's finding that there was a material change in circumstances. Because the trial court never made a finding as to what was in the children's best interest, we remand this case to the trial court for such a determination.

Authoring Judge
Judge D. Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Judge J. Michael Sharp
Case Name
Robert Henry Robinson, Jr. vs. Ann Prevatt Robinson Irons
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur