Cydnie B. O'Rourke v. James P. O'Rourke

Case Number

In the last proceeding in this protracted post-divorce litigation, the trial court transferred custody, or primary residential placement, of three children of a divorced couple from the mother to the father. In this consolidated appeal, the mother claims that the trial court erred in a number of ways. However, a number of her arguments relate to orders or actions that have been rendered moot by the final order, including her challenges to the use of a"parenting coordinator." As to the final order modifying residential placement, we hold that the trial court did not err in declining to use Tenn. Code Ann. _ 36-6-406 to limit the father's visitation with the children and that the court acted within its discretion in limiting the testimony of Mother's expert witness as a discovery sanction. We also hold that the trial court's award of $330,000 in attorney fees to the father was not error. We affirm the trial court.

Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge
Judge Robert E. Lee Davies
Case Name
Cydnie B. O'Rourke v. James P. O'Rourke
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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