Rhea E. Burns, Jr. vs. New York Life Ins. Co. & Robert H. Noe

Case Number
Plaintiff, an insurance sales agent for New York Life Insurance Company, alleged that he entered into an oral agreement with another New York Life Insurance agent for the two agents to sell life insurance policies to a particular family and share the sales commissions. Some time later, a dispute arose between Plaintiff and the second New York Life Insurance agent over who was entitled to receive certain sales commissions. After Plaintiff did not receive a share of those sales commissions, he sought the assistance of New York Life in resolving his dispute with the second agent. New York Life accepted statements from both agents and then declined to intervene on Plaintiff's behalf. Plaintiff brought suit against the second agent and New York Life, but later non-suited the claim against the agent. Plaintiff alleged that New York Life was contractually required to make a decision in a commission dispute between its agents, and that if it had made a decision, the industry standard practice would have required the company to decide in his favor. He sought damages from New York Life for breach of contract and under a quantum meruit theory. The Trial Court granted New York Life's Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiff appeals. We affirm the Judgment of the Trial Court.
Authoring Judge
Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Harold Wimberly
Case Name
Rhea E. Burns, Jr. vs. New York Life Ins. Co. & Robert H. Noe
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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