Carrie Mildred Mayer Dube v. Michael Norman Dube

Case Number

Carrie Mildred Mayer Dube ("Wife") sued Michael Norman Dube ("Husband") for a divorce. Wife is primarily a stay-at-home mother and Husband is an emergency room physician. The Trial Court divided the marital property with 65% of the property going to Wife. The Trial Court awarded Wife permanent alimony of $3,200 per month after finding Wife could not be sufficiently rehabilitated. Child support was set based on Husband's income for 2000, during which time he claims to have worked approximately 90 hours per week. Husband appeals the division of marital property, award of permanent alimony, and amount of child support which was based on his 90 hour work week. We affirm.

Authoring Judge
Judge David Michael Swiney
Originating Judge
Judge Thomas J. Seeley, Jr.
Case Name
Carrie Mildred Mayer Dube v. Michael Norman Dube
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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