Connie Reguli v. James Vick, Lela Hollabaugh, and Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility

Case Number

Attorney filed petition pursuant to the Public Records Act for disclosure of documents held by the Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility, the Board’s Chair, and Disciplinary Counsel to the Board relating to eight disciplinary proceedings. Access to the documents had been withheld based on a claim that the documents were exempt from disclosure in accordance with Tenn. Sup. Ct. R. 9, § 25.3. Responding officials appeal the trial court’s order that the documents be produced. Finding that the documents sought were confidential and privileged from disclosure, we reverse the judgment and remand with instructions to dismiss the petition.

Authoring Judge
Judge Richard H. Dinkins
Originating Judge
Judge Ellen H. Lyle
Case Name
Connie Reguli v. James Vick, Lela Hollabaugh, and Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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