Michael D. Reed vs. Darla Carden Steadham

Case Number

The father left his salaried employment and began his own construction business, which resulted in a substantial decrease in his annual income. As a result the father reduced his child support payments to the mother, who then asked the Trial Court to find the father was voluntarily under employed and the Court should impute additional income, based upon his true earning capacity. After an evidentiary hearing, the Trial Court found the father was not willfully unemployed and adjusted the child support amount in accordance with the guidelines based on his then income. The mother has appealed. On appeal, we affirm the Judgment of the Trial Court and remand.

Authoring Judge
Judge Herschel P. Franks
Originating Judge
Judge W. Jeffrey Hollingsworth
Case Name
Michael D. Reed vs. Darla Carden Steadham
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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