Chambers vs. Amonette

Case Number
At the time of the parties' divorce in 1992, their minor child was placed in the primary residential custody of the mother, and the father was ordered to pay child support in the amount of $300.00 per month. The mother instituted a petition to modify. The father is in the military and, at the time of trial, had a base pay of $2,888.46 per month, which included allowances for BAS, BAH, and BAQ-DIFF. The parties anticipated at the time of trial that the father would be transferred to Korea for one year of service, and then would be transferred to England. According to the father, he would continue to receive his BAQ-DIFF allowance, but, while in Korea, he would no longer receive BAS or BAH allowances. The mother sought an increase in the monthly support payments based upon a significant variation with the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines and based upon reduced visitation by the father. According to the parties' final divorce decree, the father's visitation schedule provided for an average of sixty-nine days of visitation throughout the year, as compared to the anticipated eighty days in the Guidelines. After a hearing on the matter, the trial court denied the petition and ordered the mother to pay the father's costs and attorney's fees. We reverse and remand.
Authoring Judge
Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge
Muriel Robinson
Case Name
Chambers vs. Amonette
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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