David Dean vs. Home Depot USA, Inc.

Case Number
Plaintiff, David Dean, was a 68 year old frequent patron of Home Depot. On April 27, 1997, Mr. Dean completed his shopping at the store, paid the cashier and, upon departing, appeared to have set off the electric theft detection alarm. An employee of Home Depot stopped Mr. Dean and asked him to step back into the store while employees located the source of whatever triggered the alarm. Mr. Dean was neither arrested nor charged and ultimately left the store. He brought suit against Home Depot for false imprisonment resulting in a jury verdict in his favor for $37,593.00. On Motion for a New Trial, asking in the alternative for remittitur, the trial court reduced the judgment by $3,000.00. Defendant appealed. Upon consideration of the record, we suggest an increased remittitur and remand the case giving Mr. Dean 15 days to accept the suggested remittitur.
Authoring Judge
Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge
Carol L. Soloman
Case Name
David Dean vs. Home Depot USA, Inc.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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