Annette Burnett v. Goody's Family Clothing, Inc.

Case Number
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The employer, Goody's Family Clothing, Inc., has appealed from the action of the trial court in awarding the employee, Annette Burnett, 6% permanent partial disability to the body as a whole. The employer raises several issues on appeal. The primary issue is whether the expert medical evidence is sufficient to establish that plaintiff's physical condition resulted from an incident or activity at work. Other issues are whether the trial court was in error in holding proper notice of injury was rendered and whether the court properly exceeded the 2 _ times cap under T.C.A. _ 5-6-241(a)(1). Plaintiff was 49 years of age and had completed the 9th grade. She later obtained a G.E.D. certificate. She became employed by Goody's in 1996 and was employed as a "tagger" which involved placing price tags on clothing for retail sale. On May 12, 1997, she was standing on a stool tagging clothing when she unintentionally stepped off of the stool. She testified she attempted to grab a pole but missed it and she immediately felt pain in her left leg from the groin down.1 She described the pain as mild something like a cramp. She reported the incident to her supervisor and helped complete an accident report. She declined to seek medical attention thinking it was unnecessary. She continued to work and said the pain would leave and return over the next two months. She stated that during July 1997 the pain became more severe and began to spread into her hip and down her leg to her ankle. She saw her family doctor during August and received a cortisone shot which did not relieve her symptoms. Arrangements were made by her doctor to see an orthopedic surgeon. She continued to work until surgery was later performed during November 1997. On September 18, 1997, she was seen and examined by Dr. Paul H. Johnson, an orthopedic surgeon. He operated on her on November 12th and did a 1This is the only description of the incident at work. It is not clear whether she fell to the floor or caught herself and landed on her feet. 2
Authoring Judge
Roger E. Thayer, Special Judge
Originating Judge
Hon. Dale C. Workman
Case Name
Annette Burnett v. Goody's Family Clothing, Inc.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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