Ron M Artin v. Blount County , Tennessee

Case Number
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The employer appeals and contends the trial court erred in finding the employee to be 1 percent disabled because no expert medical proof established permanency of the disability. We sustain the contention of the employer and reverse the award of permanent disability. Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e) (1999) Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Blount County Circuit Court Reversed. HOWELL N. PEOPLES, SP. J., in which WILLIAM M. BARKER, JR., JUSTICE, and JOHN K. BYERS, SR. J., joined. Michael K. Atkins, Knoxville, Tennessee, for the Appellant Blount County, Tennessee Kevin Shepherd, Maryville, Tennessee, for the Appellee Ron Martin MEMORANDUM OPINION Background Facts Plaintiff, Ron Martin (Martin) was employed by the Blount County Sheriff's Department as a criminal investigator on June 16, 1993. That day, Martin, in the course and scope of his employment, investigated a fire scene at Pope's Plant Farm. There is no 1 indication that Martin had any health problems prior to this time. While investigating the fire scene, Martin became ill. He also found evidence that Malathion and other pesticides were present in the building at the time of the fire. Martin returned to work the next day but went home after becoming sick at work. Martin first sought treatment from his family physician, Dr. Kim Cline. Later, Martin was seen by Dr. Marek Pienkowski, an immunologist. In the course of his treatment, Martin was also seen by Drs. Hargrove, Porter and Warwick, though no proof was submitted regarding either the treatment provided or the opinions formed by these physicians. An independent medical examination was performed by Dr. Arnold Hudson, Jr., a pulmonologist On November 8, 1993, according to Dr. Pienkowski, Martin reached maximum medical improvement. Martin returned to work with the only restriction being that "it is absolutely essential that he avoid all chemical exposure." This prevented Martin from resuming his duties as an arson investigator. For approximately one year, Martin remained with the Blount County Sheriff's department primarily performing clerical duties. From January 1995 through July 1997, Martin worked in various positions with the Blount County Court Clerk's office. Martin was employed by Blount County for almost four years after he reached maximum medical improvement before he was placed on disability retirement. From the date of exposure, Martin complained of joint pain, lethargy, and fatigue. These symptoms caused Martin to be unable to perform the light clerical duties he was assigned upon his return to the Sheriff's Department and resulted in him being placed in the Court Clerk's office. Despite being moved to another position, Martin remained unable to perform the tasks assigned to him. The parties stipulated the June 16, 1993 injury was compensable and agreed upon the appropriate compensation rate. No outstanding medical bills were left unpaid, nor were there any issues regarding the payment or non-payment of temporary total disability benefits. The only issue at trial was whether Martin suffers from a permanent vocational disability. As proof on this issue, the depositions of three physicians, Drs. Cline, Pienkowski, and Hudson, and two vocational experts, Drs. Nadolsky and Caldwell, were submitted, and the testimony of Martin and Dale Gorley, chief of detectives of the Blount County Sheriff's Department was heard. The trial court found that Martin suffers from a 1% total vocational disability. Blount County appeals this finding. Standard of Review The extent of vocational disability is a question of fact to be determined from all of the evidence, including lay and expert testimony. Nelson v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 8 S.W.3d 625, 628 (Tenn. 1999); Worthington v. Modine Mfg. Co., 798 S.W.2d 232, 234 2
Authoring Judge
Howell N. Peoples, Special Judge
Originating Judge
W. Dale Young, Circuit Court Judge
Case Name
Ron M Artin v. Blount County , Tennessee
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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