Robbie Bickers v. Cigna Insurance Company

Case Number
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The complaint filed by the plaintiff, Robbie Bickers, alleges that on February 24, 1996 he was injured while employed for Parsec, Inc. at its Memphis, Tennessee rail yard. The complaint further charges that, as a result of the accident, he sustained injuries to his arms, chest, neck, and back. After considering the evidence, the chancellor found that the plaintiff failed to carry the burden of proof and rendered judgment in favor of the defendant, CIGNA Insurance Company, which is the workers' compensation carrier for the plaintiff's employer. In his only issue, the plaintiff states: Whether the proof supports a finding that the plaintiff suffered a compensable injury to his right wrist for which he retains permanent impairment. Since the issue presented to us questions only the action of the trial judge in failing to compensate plaintiff for permanent impairment to the right wrist, we will not elaborate in this opinion on the evidence concerning the other alleged injuries of the plaintiff. On February 24, 1996, plaintiff was operating a "yard mule," which is a half- truck. While removing heavy loads from a railcar, a container box separated from the frame, lifting plaintiff's truck-tractor rig off the ground and then slamming it back on the ground, allegedly injuring the plaintiff. The plaintiff was taken to the St. Joseph Hospital emergency room in Memphis and was treated briefly by Drs. Vernon Miller and Thomas Fowlkes. These doctors later referred the plaintiff to Dr. Mark Harriman, an orthopedic surgeon, who continued to treat the plaintiff. He was later examined by Dr. Joseph C. Boals, on two occasions. The plaintiff testified that because of his wrist injury, he had a lack of grip and "catching." He stated that due to this he could not use a hammer or turn wrenches. He also complained of difficulty with his back and shoulder. 2
Authoring Judge
F. Lloyd Tatum, Special Judge
Originating Judge
Hon. D. J. Alissandratos, Chancellor
Case Name
Robbie Bickers v. Cigna Insurance Company
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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