Rickey Cotten v. Board of Paroles

Case Number
Petitioner was arrested in Florida for grand theft auto while on parole under a sentence in Tennessee. After beginning his sentence on the Florida conviction in a Florida prison, the Petitioner filed a "request for leave to waive revocation hearing, admission to violation of parole and request to have parole hearing in absentia and affidavit" with the Board of Paroles of Tennessee. The Board did not respond, so Petitioner filed a writ of mandamus with the Circuit Court for Davidson County to compel the Board to render a decision regarding his parole revocation. The trial court denied the writ and dismissed the petition because mandamus was not the appropriate remedy and the Petitioner was not in custody of the State of Tennessee for the purposes of parole revocation. We agree and affirm the decision of the trial court.
Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Originating Judge
Walter C. Kurtz
Case Name
Rickey Cotten v. Board of Paroles
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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