Philip Workman v. Donal Campbell, et al.

Case Number
This case involves the extent to which the State of Tennessee may regulate a condemned prisoner's right to be attended by his personal minister in the hours leading up to his execution. Prisoner sued the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Corrections and the prison warden based upon the warden's denial of prisoner's request that his personal religious advisor be physically present at all times leading up to his execution. The chancery court ordered the issuance of a writ of mandamus requiring the prison warden to allow the prisoner's minister to attend the prisoner at all times until the prisoner enters the death chamber. We reverse and remand.
Authoring Judge
Judge W. Frank Crawford
Originating Judge
Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Case Name
Philip Workman v. Donal Campbell, et al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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