Case Number
In 1994, a father, who had failed to comply with a child support order, was sentenced to jail for six months or until he paid the arrearage of $23,800. A month later the trial court suspended the sentence upon the defendant's promise to pay $10,000 immediately and to pay the balance by October 15, 1995 in quarterly installments. The order provided that if the defendant failed to meet the conditions in the suspension order the suspended sentence would be revoked if the mother filed an appropriate motion. In 2001, the trial court found the defendant guilty of criminal contempt and ordered him to serve the balance of the six month sentence for failing to comply with the 1994 suspension order. We reverse the order finding the defendant in criminal contempt.
Originating Judge
Muriel Robinson
Case Name
Tammy Pierce v. Michael Pierce
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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