Clifford Wilson v. Gay Lynn Wilson

Case Number

This case involves a dispute over the proper amount of child support to be paid for the parties' two minor children. Father requested a child support adjustment due to the emancipation of the parties' oldest child. He additionally requested a downward deviation of his child support payments due to significant additional parenting time in excess of that contemplated by the Tennessee Child Support Guidelines, as well as, significant additional monies paid for private school and other expenses for the children. The previous court order required Husband to pay $4,100 per month for their three minor children based on an income of $10,000 per month. The trial court determined that Husband's new child support amount for the remaining two minor children would be $3,700 per month. Father argued that the proper amount after the emancipation of their oldest child should reduce his child support to $3,200 per month. Father also argued that he should be entitled to a downward deviation reducing his child support to $1,000 per month for his two minor children. We agree with Father that the trial court incorrectly modified his child support following the emancipation of the parties' oldest child. Although Husband's current income is in excess of $10,000 per month, Wife did not carry her burden of proving that additional child support based on an amount over $10,000 per month is reasonably necessary. Child support should be set at 32% of $10,000, $3,200 per month. With regard to Father's request for a downward deviation of his child support obligation, we find that there has been no change of circumstances since the last court order and that this issue could have and should have been litigated at the time of the previous Order, so the matter is barred by res judicata. Child support is set at $3,200 per month for the remaining two minor children.

Authoring Judge
Judge William B. Cain
Originating Judge
Judge Muriel Robinson
Case Name
Clifford Wilson v. Gay Lynn Wilson
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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