Ross Products Division Abbott Laboratories, v. State of Tennessee

Case Number

A manufacturer of infant formula entered into a contract with the State of Tennessee to furnish large quantities of its products to retailers for the federally-funded WIC program. The contract included a cash rebate which the manufacturer agreed to pay the State for each can furnished, to offset the cost of administering the program. After operating under the contract for four years, the manufacturer unilaterally decided to reduce the size of the cans it was providing, and it asked the state to reduce the rebate proportionally. The State refused, citing a provision in the contract that precluded rebate reductions. The manufacturer then filed an administrative claim, asking for a $1.2 million refund of its alleged overpayment of rebates. The Claims Commissioner granted Summary Judgment to the State. We affirm the Commissioner’s judgment. Tenn. R. App. P. 3 Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Tennessee Claims Commission Affirmed

Authoring Judge
Judge Patricia J. Cottrell
Case Name
Ross Products Division Abbott Laboratories, v. State of Tennessee
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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