Charles Salsman vs. Texcor Indus.

Case Number
This appeal arises out of a petition filed in Tennessee to enroll a Texas judgment. In this case, the plaintiffs filed a petition to enroll the foreign judgment. While this was pending, the defendants filed a motion for leave to amend their answer to assert a counterclaim. Three days later, before the trial court had ruled on the motion to amend, the plaintiffs filed a notice of voluntary dismissal, including a proposed order stating that no counterclaim had been pled. The trial court entered the proposed order. Subsequently, in response to the defendants' motion, the trial court vacated its earlier order of dismissal and granted the defendants' motion to amend to assert the counterclaim. In this interlocutory appeal, we affirm, holding under Rule 41.01(1) of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure that the proposed counterclaim attached to the motion to amend is considered a "pleaded" counterclaim, thereby permitting the defendants to elect to proceed on the counterclaim despite the plaintiffs' notice of voluntary dismissal.
Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Karen R. Williams
Case Name
Charles Salsman vs. Texcor Indus.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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