Christy Johnson, et al. v. Duncan E. Ragsdale

Case Number

This case involves the dismissal of Appellant’s legal malpractice claim against Appellee on the basis that Appellee, after the initial dismissal of Appellant’s medical malpractice claim, failed to file a County entered a judgment for Appellee. Appellant subsequently appealed this decision to the Circuit Court of Shelby County, which dismissed Appellant’s cause for lack of jurisdiction. We reverse the circuit court’s decision and remand for further proceedings. Tenn. R. App. P. 3; Appeal as of Right; Judgment of the Circuit

Authoring Judge
Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge
Judge John R. McCarroll, Jr.
Case Name
Christy Johnson, et al. v. Duncan E. Ragsdale
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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