Rhonda Leigh Jones Robinson v. Russell Raynor Robinson

Case Number

This is a divorce case about dissipation of marital assets and custody. Throughout the marriage, the wife took care of the children while the husband provided financial support. The husband was the owner and operator of several automobile businesses. After the wife filed for divorce, the husband’s automobile businesses failed, resulting in the husband’s father purchasing the businesses. After a lengthy trial, the trial court found that the husband intentionally dissipated marital assets, including the automobile businesses. The wife was designated the children’s primary residential parent. The husband appeals. We affirm, finding that the evidence supports the trial court’s finding that the husband dissipated the businesses by failing to preserve them, and the designation of the wife as primary residential parent.

Authoring Judge
Judge Holly M. Kirby
Originating Judge
Judge James F. Russell
Case Name
Rhonda Leigh Jones Robinson v. Russell Raynor Robinson
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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