Christopher Douglas v. Caruthers & Associates, Inc.

Case Number

This case involves an employment contract. After the employee’s employment was allegedly constructively terminated, he sued the employer for damages. The parties proceeded to trial, and the trial court ruled that the employer breached its employment contract with the employee and that the employee was entitled to an award of damages. The trial court then ordered that all issues of damages would be referred to a Special Master. After trial, the Special Master issued a report calculating employee’s damages, to which the employee objected. Upon sustaining several of the employee’s objections, the trial court again referred the matter to the Special Master. The trial court subsequently concurred in the revised findings of the Special Master, and the employer appealed, raising several issues. We vacate the ruling of the trial court and remand for further proceedings.

Authoring Judge
Special Judge Robert L. Childers
Originating Judge
Chancellor Arnold B.Goldin
Case Name
Christopher Douglas v. Caruthers & Associates, Inc.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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