Annesia W. Jarrett v. Eric D. Cross

Case Number

The current round in this on-going child support dispute arises from Mother’s petition for contempt for failure to pay child support filed in April 2004, and Father’s cross-petition to modify child custody. The eldest of the parties’ four children had reached the age of majority when the 2004 petitions were filed, and the parties agreed that Father would assume custody of their son, Darius. Father does not dispute that he does not spend any time with the parties remaining two minor children. Mother requested visitation time with Darius after the change of custody. Thus, the proceedings required a resetting of child support. The issues raised by Mother for our review are
whether the trial court erred by determining Father is capable of earning only $30,000 per year for
the purposes of setting Father’s child support obligation and by ordering Father to pay stipulated
child support arrears of $20,578, plus 12% interest, at the rate of $150.00 per month.

Authoring Judge
Judge David R. Farmer
Originating Judge
Chancellor James F. Butler
Case Name
Annesia W. Jarrett v. Eric D. Cross
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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