Brenda Brewer v. Kenny Brewer, Sr.

Case Number

This is a divorce case. On appeal, Husband argues that certain settlement monies, which he claims Wife failed to disclose, should be considered marital property subject to equitable division. Such monies include Wife’s personal injury settlement, Wife’s payment for past SSI benefits, and Wife’s car insurance settlement proceeds. Husband also contends that Wife’s share of the marital home should be reduced based on the discovery of these additional assets. Finally, Husband argues that he should not have been required to pay rehabilitative alimony and alimony in futuro to Wife. We affirm.

Authoring Judge
Judge Alan E. Highers
Originating Judge
Judge Robert L. Childers
Case Name
Brenda Brewer v. Kenny Brewer, Sr.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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