Robert George Russell, Jr. v. City of Knoxville et al.

Case Number

Robert George Russell, Jr., a Knoxville Fire Department captain, brought this action challenging the decision of Fire Chief Stan Sharp to promote others to the position of assistant fire chief. In 2013, Chief Sharp selected three fire officers to fill vacancies in the position of assistant chief. Russell filed an employment grievance with the Civil Service Merit Board (the CSMB or the Board), alleging that, in making his selections, Chief Sharp violated the applicable rules and regulations when he used, among other things, a mathematical formula that had not been approved by the Board. Russell also asserted that Chief Sharp violated the rules by not considering his ranking, according to the eligibility roster listing of the candidates eligible for promotion. The Board's administrative hearing officer denied the grievance, and the trial court affirmed. We hold that Chief Sharp did not violate the Board's rules and regulations and did not act arbitrarily or capriciously in exercising his discretion to make promotions. We affirm the trial court's judgment.

Authoring Judge
Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.
Originating Judge
Chancellor Daryl R. Fansler
Case Name
Robert George Russell, Jr. v. City of Knoxville et al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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