Sugar Creek Carriages v. Hat Creek Carriages, Et Al.

Case Number

This case involves a claim for procurement of breach of contract. The plaintiff and the defendants operate competing businesses that provide carriage rides for hire in Nashville, Tennessee. The plaintiff sued the defendants for violating Tenn. Code Ann. § 47-50-109 by procuring one of its carriage drivers to breach his noncompete agreement with the plaintiff by driving a carriage for the defendants’ business. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants upon the determination that the plaintiff could not prove an essential element of a procurement of breach of contract claim, that the underlying contract was enforceable. Agreeing with the determination that the noncompete agreement was not enforceable, we affirm.

Authoring Judge
Presiding Judge Frank G. Clement, Jr.
Originating Judge
Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle
Case Name
Sugar Creek Carriages v. Hat Creek Carriages, Et Al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur
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