Courier Printing Company et al. v. Wanda Sims, ex rel Robert Steve Bly et al.

Case Number

In this Workers’ Compensation case, the trial court held that the employee had sustained a gradual injury to his lower back, and that he was permanently and totally disabled as a result of that injury. The employer has appealed, contending that the trial court erred by permitting the employee to use a physician who provided an impairment rating through the Medical Impairment Registry process as a medical expert on the issue of causation and by finding that the employee sustained a compensable injury. In the alternative, the employer contends that the trial court erred by awarding permanent total disability, and also in its alternative finding that the employee had proven three of the four elements set out in Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-242, and was thereby able to recover a permanent partial disability award in excess of six times the medical impairment. We find no error and affirm the judgment.

Authoring Judge
Senior Judge Donald P. Harris
Originating Judge
Judge J. Mark Rogers
Case Name
Courier Printing Company et al. v. Wanda Sims, ex rel Robert Steve Bly et al.
Date Filed
Dissent or Concur