Instructions for Comity Applicants to be Admitted to the Tennessee Bar


  1. Once you have your approval letter from the Board of Law Examiners (BLE), you must register with the Board of Professional Responsibility (BPR). Please wait until you have received a “welcome email” from the BPR before attempting to register on-line at If you have not received the “welcome email” within a few days of receipt of your approval from the BLE, please call 615-361-7500. Be sure to check your "spam" folder before calling.
  2. You will be charged a $50.00 enrollment fee for admission by affidavit to the Tennessee Supreme Court, $150.00 for licensing and a fee assessed by the Board of Professional Responsibility that places you in the yearly billing cycle (not to exceed $170.00).
  3.  Once you have completed the on-line registration and paid the fees, you will be issued a registration number (BPR#). You will then receive a Certificate of Eligibility from the BLE.

  4. Complete the Application by Affidavit form in accordance with the form's instructions and return the form to the Supreme Court Clerk to the address referenced in the instructions.