Jewell Maness vs. Estate of Acie Maness
Trial Court Judge: Joe C. Morris

Henderson Court of Appeals

Raymond Morris vs. Voil Morris
Trial Court Judge: George R. Ellis

Gibson Court of Appeals

Lasalle Dudley vs. Raye Dudley

Shelby Court of Appeals

State vs. Michael Walton
Trial Court Judge: Seth W. Norman

Davidson Court of Criminal Appeals

Terry Phelps vs. State
Trial Court Judge: W. Charles Lee

Lincoln Court of Criminal Appeals

Shirley Shelburne v. Frontier Health
Authoring Judge: Justice Janice M. Holder
Trial Court Judge: Thomas J. Seeley, Jr.
Plaintiff, both individually and as next friend of her minor son, brought suit against Carter County, Frontier Health, and Woodridge Hospital for the wrongful death of her husband. The trial court granted summary judgment to Frontier and Woodridge. The Court of Appeals affirmed, holding that Frontier and Woodridge could not be held vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of their employee because he was entitled to immunity as a state employee. We granted review to determine whether summary judgment was properly granted in light of our decision in Johnson v. LeBonheur Children's Medical Center, 74 S.W.3d 338 (Tenn. 2002). We hold that Johnson governs the present case and that Frontier and Woodridge are not immune from liability for the acts or omissions of their immune employee. Accordingly, summary judgment was not appropriate.

Carter Supreme Court

Margaret Williamson v. Clarksville Memorial Hospital
Authoring Judge: William H. Inman, Senior Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon. James E. Walton,
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. The trial judge found that the plaintiff had a 1 percent anatomical impairment which, extrapolated by the multiplier of 2.5, resulted in a permanent partial disability of 25 percent and awarded benefits accordingly. The employer appeals, insisting that there is no basis for a finding of an anatomical impairment of 1 percent.1 The thrust of the Hospital's argument is directed to the alleged discrediting of Dr. Fishbein's testimony by the Chancellor.2 It is conceded that the plaintiff, a nurse, sustained a neck and shoulder injury on July 8, 1993 while lifting a patient at the defendant Hospital. She was initially seen by Dr. Douglas Porter, an orthopedist of Clarksville, who referred her to Dr. G. B. Lanford, a neurosurgeon, whom we assume practices in Nashville.3 Dr. Lanford testified that the plaintiff had some disc bulging and spondylosis, but no nerve root compression and no operative problems. Because of continuing arm and back pain Dr. Lanford assessed her anatomical impairment at 5 percent. Dr. Richard E. Fishbein, orthopedist, practicing in Antioch, testified that at the request of plaintiff's counsel he examined the plaintiff on July 7, 1994. Before that time he had been furnished with copies of Dr. Porter's and Dr. Lanford's evaluations, and had reviewed the x-ray and myelogram reports. He referred to Dr. Porter's report that the plaintiff had suffered an acute herniation of a disc; he found exquisite tenderness over the para cervical muscles, weakness of grip strength, "and basically I noted that she had a herniated disc as noted, and that her history and physical findings were consistent with it." Dr. Fishbein opined that she had a 1 The record consists only of the depositions of Dr. Lanford and Dr. Fishbein, and the memorandum of the Chancellor. 2 As observed by a different Panel on another occasion, the plaintiff, in this Montgomery County case, travelled a long distance in employing Dr. Fishbein, overlooking many dozens of orthopedic specialists in the process. 3 Neither his deposition nor his CV reveal this information.

Williamson Workers Compensation Panel

John Shultz v. City of Lawrenceburg, et al .
Authoring Judge: Joe C. Loser, Jr., Special Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon. Jim T. Hamilton,
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. section 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting of findings of fact and conclusions of law. In this appeal, the employer, City of Lawrenceburg, contends (1) the evidence preponderates against the trial court's finding of a compensable injury by accident arising out of and in the course of employment, (2) the evidence preponderates against the trial court's finding that the employee's compensation rate is $38.8, (3) the evidence preponderates against the trial court's award of temporary total disability benefits from August 5, 1994 through October of 1995 and (4) the trial court erred in commuting permanent partial disability benefits to a lump sum. As discussed below, the panel has concluded the judgment should be affirmed. The employee or claimant, John Schultz, was forty-nine years old at the time of the injury. He has an eighth grade education and a GED. He has worked as a heavy equipment operator since 1968. On January 21, 1994, while working for the employer, he injured his neck and back while operating a backhoe as a jackhammer on frozen ground. He injured his left shoulder again on August 5, 1994 while working for the employer and running out of a hole filling with water. He attempted to work the next day before going to a doctor's appointment, then was totally disabled until October 18, 1995, when he reached maximum medical improvement. The claimant was treated or evaluated by a number of physicians and assigned permanent impairment ratings of from six to ten percent from the injuries which the physicians related to the work he was performing. He continues to have neck and shoulder problems. The record contains conflicting documentary evidence as to the employee's average weekly wage, but the employer had actually paid benefits of $38.8 from the August injury until the date of maximum medical improvement, for his temporary total disability. The trial court awarded no additional temporary total disability benefits, but did award the claimant's reasonable and necessary medical expenses and permanent partial disability benefits based on thirty-two percent to the body as a whole, payable in a lump sum. The claim against the Second Injury Fund was dismissed. Appellate review is de novo upon the record of the trial court, accompanied by a presumption of correctness of the findings of fact, unless the preponderance of the evidence is otherwise. Tenn. Code Ann. section 5-6-225(e)(2). 2

Lawrence Workers Compensation Panel

Jimmy R. Turner v. Travelers Insurance
Authoring Judge: William S. Russell, Retired Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon.

Sequatchie Workers Compensation Panel

Mary A. Clark v. Micropore, Inc. & Berwind Industries Management
Authoring Judge: William H. Inman, Senior Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon. Vernon Neal,
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. This complaint was filed April 17, 1995, alleging that the plaintiff had been employed at Porelon since 1974 and that in 1993 she began to develop pain in her right shoulder and arm which was evidence of a gradually developing compensable injury. Micropore, Inc. (formerly Porelon) filed its answer on June 7, 1995, alleging that it was sold on May 6, 1994 with a resulting change in workers' compensation insurers. It denied having notice of any claimed injury and affirmatively alleged that it is not liable for "any benefits due plaintiff which accrued on or after May 6, 1994." The plaintiff amended her complaint on June 21, 1995 and joined Berwind Industries Management Company as a defendant. She alleged that in 1993 and until May 1994 the manufacturing plant known as Porelon, where she worked and developed the gradual injury, was owned by Johnson Worldwide Associates, Inc. ["JWA"], which sold the plant to Berwind in May 1994. The plant continued to operate under the name of Micropore, Inc., allegedly a subsidiary of Berwind. Micropore, Inc. answered the amended complaint, acknowledging the sale of the plant by JWA to Berwind in May 1994. It again denied that, although the plaintiff was regularly employed by Porelon for 2 years and was so employed May 1994, when the change in ownership occurred, the plaintiff had developed a gradually occurring injury as alleged. It admitted that on November 3, 1993, the plaintiff reported to management that she had been diagnosed with fibromyosis, but that she did not relate that the condition was work related. Berwind answered the amended complaint on July 26, 1995, asserting that the plaintiff was last employed on March 6, 1995, and that it was not liable for benefits under the gradual occurring rule. The Chancellor ruled that the plaintiff's injuries were gradual "and manifested themselves in May 1993, but they did not progress to the point of making the plaintiff unable to work until March 3, 1995, and therefore March 3, 1995, under Tennessee 2

Putnam Workers Compensation Panel

J. C. Mcdowell v. United Technologies/Carrier Corp.
Authoring Judge: William H. Inman, Senior Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon. Charles D. Haston,
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. This complaint in Chancery was filed November 9, 1995 seeking benefits for a back injury which the plaintiff alleged he suffered on March 14, 1995 while attempting to move a heavy tank. The employer defendant answered in course, alleging that the plaintiff had a degenerative back condition of many years duration and denying the plaintiff suffered a compensable injury as alleged or that it had notice of any injury. The trial judge referred the case to the Clerk and Master pursuant to RULE 53, TENN. R. CIV. P.1 A judgment was entered finding that the plaintiff sustained a compensable injury on March 14, 1995 resulting in a 3 percent permanent partial disability to his whole body, and benef its were awarded accordingly. The defendant appeals and presents the issue of whether the evidence preponderates against the finding of a compensable injury. We hold that it does not for reasons hereafter recited, and therefore affirm the judgment. The plaintiff is 52 years old and has been employed at Carrier since 1972. He had three prior back surgeries in 1975, 1976, and 1985. On March 14, 1995, while working on a chiller tank, he twisted his body, and, as he stated, "I hurt myself." He did not report for work the following day, but on March 16, 1995, he went with a shop steward to see Joel Holt, the Safety Director. He testified that he reported to Holt that he had injured his back and requested some time off. He saw his family physician who said the pain was not work related. In course, he was referred to Dr. George Lien, a neurosurgeon who performed surgery on May 7, 1995. The plaintiff returned to work on August 23, 1995 with restrictions. 1A Spec ial Maste r may b e appo inted in any ca se, and his/her du ties ma y be particula rized. W e ass um e the Clerk and M aste r was appo inted as S pec ial Ma ster to hear and r epo rt the t estim ony, with recommendation, but there is no Appointing Order in the record. There are two relevant documents in the record. The first such is a Finding of Fact signed by the trial judge. The second is an Order reciting that "the cause came on to be heard before the Honorable Charles D. Haston, Judge., etc. who referred the matter to J. Richard McGregor, Special Master. Thereafter, the court . . . filed a finding of fact . . . which is incorporated herein . . ." This Order [i.e. Judgment] is signed, not by the trial judge, but by J. Richard McGregor. "In the absence of the Judge, J. Richard Mc Gregor, sitting as Chancellor pro tem ." So far as the record reveals the Spe cial Master filed no repo rt, and the trial judge thus made findings o f fact without hearing any proof. The anomaly continues: the Special Master, as Judge Pro Tem, also entered the final judgment, thereby approbating his prior action. The parties make no issue of this `unusual' procedure, and we therefore treat the case as one heard in compliance with RULE 53.4. 2

Warren Workers Compensation Panel

Hunter vs. Brown

Supreme Court

Trial Court Judge: Jerry Scott

Court of Criminal Appeals

Patrick v. Kelfalla,
Trial Court Judge: Seth W. Norman

Davidson Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Orlando Hobson
Trial Court Judge: Jim T. Hamilton

Maury Court of Criminal Appeals

Evans & Arnold vs. Board of Paroles, et. al.

Davidson Supreme Court

Vera Maureen Higgs v. Gayle Lynn Higgs
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Trial Court Judge: Judge Donald P. Harris

Each of the captioned parties filed a notice of appeal from a judgment of the Trial Court
awarding to the plaintiff-wife a divorce on grounds of adultery and inappropriate marital

Williamson Court of Appeals

James C. Tomlinson and Charles F. McKelvey, v. Edna J. Kelley and Jeanette M. Coke
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge Barbara N. Haynes

This appeal involves a controversy surrounding the appointment of a local city official. The mayor and the city manager of the City of Berry Hill filed a defamation action in the Circuit Court for Davidson County against two city residents who publicly questioned the circumstances surrounding the interim appointment of a member of the Board of Commissioners. The trial court granted the residents’ motion for summary judgment and dismissed the city officials’ complaint. On this appeal, the city officials assert that the trial court should not have granted the summary judgment because the record contains evidence that the residents knew or should have known that their critical statements made to a local newspaper were false. We affirm the trial court.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Maxine Nelson v. The Pacesetter Corporation
Authoring Judge: Senior Judge William H. Inman
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle

This is a suit for damages for an alleged retaliatory discharge brought pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 50-1-304. As winnowed, the plaintiff alleges that she was discharged because she refused to participate in gambling activities which were illegal under Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-17-501.

Davidson Court of Appeals

International Supply Co., Inc. v. The Warner Group LTD - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Judge Tom E. Gray

This appeal involves a question of personal jurisdiction over a nonresident corporation. The Chancery Court of Sumner County dismissed the complaint. We affirm.

Sumner Court of Appeals

Franklin Thomas Burns v. Bernice A. Burns - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge Walter W. Bussart
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Alex W. Darnell

This is an appeal by respondent/appellant, Bernice A. Burns (“Wife”), from the order of the trial court granting Wife and petitioner/appellee, Franklin Thomas Burns (“Husband”), a divorce, dividing the marital property, and granting temporary alimony. Wife complains the court erred when it divided the parties’ property and awarded Wife $400.00 alimony per month for six months. The facts out of which this matter arose are as follows.

Montgomery Court of Appeals

State of Tennessee vs. Dorothy Sheldon - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge Jerry L. Smith
Trial Court Judge: Judge Leonard W. Martin

I concur in the result reached by the majority. I write separately however because I have reached the conclusion that venue is proper in this case through a somewhat different rationale than that expressed in the majority opinion.

Dickson Court of Criminal Appeals

State of Tennessee vs. Dorothy Sheldon
Authoring Judge: Judge Paul G. Summers
Trial Court Judge: Judge Leonard W. Martin

The appellant, Dorothy Sheldon, was convicted by a jury of forgery. She was sentenced as a Range III, persistent offender to four years incarceration. She appeals raising the following issues for our review: 1. Whether the evidence is sufficient to support her conviction; 2. Whether the evidence is sufficient to establish venue in Dickson County; and 3. Whether the manner of service of her sentence is proper. Upon review, we affirm the trial court’s judgment of conviction and sentence.

Dickson Court of Criminal Appeals

State of Tennessee vs. Dorothy Sheldon - Dissenting
Authoring Judge: Judge David G. Hayes
Trial Court Judge: Judge Leonard W. Martin

The majority concludes that venue was proper in Dickson County. I respectfully disagree. In finding venue in Dickson County, the majority, relying upon Girdley v. State, 29 S.W.2d 255 (Tenn. 1930), employs an agency theory to establish the appellant's constructive presence in Dickson County. I am unable to agree with the majority's rational for two reasons. First, in Girdley, the defendant was charged with the offense of uttering or attempting to pass a forged check. Had the appellant in this case been charged with uttering or passing a forged writing, I would agree that venue would have been proper in Dickson County. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-14-114(b)(1)(D). However, as reflected by the indictment, the State chose to indict the appellant in Dickson County for forgery. Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-14-114(b)(1)(A).

Dickson Court of Criminal Appeals

Herbert Carson Branum, v. City of Maynardville, Paul Bowman, Bill P. Graves, Russell Gillenwater, Len Padgett, and H.E. Richardson
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Houston M. Goddard
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Billy Joe White

Plaintiff Herbert Carson Branum appeals dismissal of his suit against the City of Maynardville and its Commissioners, seeing reinstatement to his position as Water Commissioner and damages for his wrongful discharge, both compensatory and exemplary. He also seeks an order enjoining the Defendants "from any further ultra vires acts against the Plaintiff" based upon his contention that they had violated certain of our State Statutes.

Union Court of Appeals