State of Tennessee vs. Jacob Meeks
Authoring Judge: Senior Judge John K. Byers
Trial Court Judge: Judge John Kerry Blackwood

The defendant appeals from the dismissal of a petition for post-conviction relief, wherein he sought a delayed appeal from the judgment of the Court of Criminal Appeals, which affirmed his trial court conviction for “hindering a secured creditor,” to the Supreme Court.

Fayette Court of Criminal Appeals

Virginia Lynn Woolsey, v. Douglas Harmon McPherson
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer
Trial Court Judge: Judge A. V. McDowell

Plaintiff Virginia Lynn Woolsey appeals the trial court’s order removing Jennifer McPherson from her custody and placing the child in the custody of Defendant Douglas Harmon McPherson. McPherson appeals the trial court’s order requiring him to pay the $15,000 fee of the Guardian ad Litem. We affirm in all respects.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Deborah Williams v. Tecumseh Products Company
Authoring Judge: Justice Adolpho A. Birch, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: Judge C. Creed McGinley

The Special Workers’ Compensation Appeals Panel approved the trial court’s award of benefits to Deborah Williams, the plaintiff, who had suffered symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome related to her employment as an assembly-line worker for Tecumseh Products Company, the defendant. At issue are the causation and permanency of the worker’s injuries and the payment of discretionary costs related to the deposition of an examining physician. For the reasons appearing below, we adopt the panel’s findings of fact and conclusions of law with respect to the issues of causation and permanency. Although we affirm the award of discretionary costs, we vacate the panel’s order invalidating certain local procedures of the Twenty-Fourth Judicial District.

Henry Supreme Court

Phyllis Renee Brown, v. Charles Chandler Brown, Sr. - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge David R. Farmer

I concur in the result reached by the majority opinion. However, I write separately to express my concern with the language on page 10 of that opinion which states that, “[i]n order to be compelling enough to warrant the dramatic remedy of changed custody, the change of circumstances must be such that ‘continuation of the adjudicated custody will substantially harm the child.’” I acknowledge that this language appears in Wall v. Wall, 907 S.W.2d 829, 834 (Tenn. App. 1995), an opinion of the middle section of this court. However, I further note that Wall cited Contreras v. Ward, 831 S.W.2d 288 (Tenn. App. 1991). Contreras was a parental relocation case which stated the long recognized rule that “the best interest and welfare of the child must be the primary focus of attention.” Contreras, 831 S.W.2d at 290. The court also cited with approval from Sartoph v. Sartoph, 354 A.2d 467, 473 (Md. Ct. Spec. App. 1976), wherein the Maryland Court of Special Appeals stated that “[t]he custody of children should not be disturbed unless there is some strong reason affecting the welfare of the child. To justify a change in custody, the change in conditions must have occurred which affects the welfare of the child and not that of the parents.”

Court of Appeals

Phyllis Renee Brown, v. Charles Chandler Brown, Sr.
Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Judge James F. Russell

Charles Chandler Brown, Sr., (Father), appeals the trial court's order denying his petition to modify the custody arrangement previously agreed to by the parties and set forth i their final divorce decree. For the reasons stated hereinafter, we affirm the trial court's judgment with certain modifications.

Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: Frank G. Clement, Jr.

Davidson Court of Appeals

State v. Larry Morris

Franklin Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Charles Madison Blackman, Jr.
Trial Court Judge: J. S. Daniel

Rutherford Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Thomas Davenport
Trial Court Judge: Don Ash

Cannon Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Thomas Davenport
Trial Court Judge: Don Ash

Cannon Court of Criminal Appeals

Kennedy vs. Robson
Trial Court Judge: Thomas Goodall

Sumner Court of Appeals

Policeman's Benefit Assoc. of Nashvillevs. Nautilus Insurance Co.
Authoring Judge: Judge W. Frank Crawford
Plaintiff filed this declaratory judgment action against its liability insurance carrier to determine the carrier's duty to defend plaintiff in a federal lawsuit and its obligation to provide indemnity coverage. The trial court granted defendant summary judgment, and plaintiff appeals. We vacate and remand.

Davidson Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals

Caruthers vs. Caruthers

Cumberland Court of Appeals

Fowler vs. Bowie

Washington Court of Appeals

Pleasant vs. Repass

Court of Appeals

Sanjines vs. Sanjines

Court of Appeals

State vs. Michael Love

Madison Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Royce Lane
Trial Court Judge: Joe G. Riley. Jr.

Dyer Court of Criminal Appeals

Lescarbeau vs. Lescarbeau

Greene Court of Appeals

Moore vs. Moore

Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals

Thomas Calvin Maney v. Tennessee Board of Paroles
Authoring Judge: Judge Thomas W. Brothers
Trial Court Judge: Presiding Judge Ben H. Cantrell

A prisoner at the Lake County Regional Correctional Facility filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari in the Circuit Court of Davidson County, claiming that the Board of Paroles had acted illegally in revoking his parole, and in refusing to recondiser the revocation. The circuit court granted summary judgment to the Board of Paroles.  We affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

State vs. Allan Brooks
Trial Court Judge: Walter C. Kurtz

Davidson Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Blake Hallum & Richard Halfacre
Trial Court Judge: J. Randall Wyatt, Jr.

Davidson Court of Criminal Appeals