State vs. Rickey Smith

Shelby Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Marvin Mathews
Trial Court Judge: Joseph H. Walker, III

Lauderdale Court of Criminal Appeals

Trial Court Judge: W. Fred Axley

Shelby Court of Criminal Appeals

Part Upon State v. Roger Dale Hill, No. 01C01-9508-Cc-00267 (Tenn. Crim. App. June

Lake Court of Criminal Appeals


Lake Court of Criminal Appeals

State vs. Barry L. Speck
Trial Court Judge: L. Terry Lafferty

Supreme Court


Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals

David Dean vs. Home Depot USA, Inc.
Authoring Judge: Judge William B. Cain
Trial Court Judge: Carol L. Soloman
Plaintiff, David Dean, was a 68 year old frequent patron of Home Depot. On April 27, 1997, Mr. Dean completed his shopping at the store, paid the cashier and, upon departing, appeared to have set off the electric theft detection alarm. An employee of Home Depot stopped Mr. Dean and asked him to step back into the store while employees located the source of whatever triggered the alarm. Mr. Dean was neither arrested nor charged and ultimately left the store. He brought suit against Home Depot for false imprisonment resulting in a jury verdict in his favor for $37,593.00. On Motion for a New Trial, asking in the alternative for remittitur, the trial court reduced the judgment by $3,000.00. Defendant appealed. Upon consideration of the record, we suggest an increased remittitur and remand the case giving Mr. Dean 15 days to accept the suggested remittitur.

Davidson Court of Appeals

State vs. Jeremiah Leavy
Authoring Judge: Judge Robert W. Wedemeyer
Trial Court Judge: Joseph H. Walker, III
A Tipton County jury convicted the Petitioner of first degree murder, felony murder, aggravated robbery, and especially aggravated kidnapping. The trial court merged the two murder convictions and imposed a single life sentence with the possibility of parole. On direct appeal, this Court affirmed the conviction, and the Tennessee Supreme Court denied the Defendant's application for permission to appeal. The Petitioner then sought post-conviction relief in the trial court, alleging that he was denied effective assistance of counsel. Following a hearing, the post-conviction court dismissed the petition. The Petitioner filed a motion to reconsider, which the trial court denied, and the Petitioner appealed. Finding no error, we affirm the trial court's dismissal of the petition.

Tipton Court of Criminal Appeals

Profill Development vs. Dills, Comm
Trial Court Judge: Robert S. Brandt

Davidson Court of Appeals

Lemm vs. Adams
Trial Court Judge: Ellen Hobbs Lyle

Davidson Court of Appeals

Price vs. TN. Civil Service Comm.
Trial Court Judge: Irvin H. Kilcrease, Jr.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Smith, et. al. vs. The Castner-Knott Dry Goods
Trial Court Judge: William C. Koch

Davidson Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: Carol L. Mccoy

Davidson Court of Appeals

Duffey vs. Lee, et. al.
Trial Court Judge: Lee Russell

Marshall Court of Appeals

Moon vs. St. Thomas Hospital
Trial Court Judge: Barbara N. Haynes

Davidson Court of Appeals

Baptist Hospital, East , et. al. vs. TN. Dept. of Health, et. al.
Trial Court Judge: Samuel L. Lewis

Court of Appeals

Walker, et. al. vs. Bd. of Education of Wilson Co.
Trial Court Judge: Robert W. Wedemeyer

Wilson Court of Appeals

Brunswick Marine v. Kenneth W. Miller
Authoring Judge: William H. Inman, Senior Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon.

Rutherford Workers Compensation Panel

Carolyn F. Humphries v. KFC USA, Inc .
Authoring Judge: Senior Judge James L. Weatherford
Trial Court Judge: Hon. Robert S. Brandt,
This case is before the Court upon the entire record, including the order of referral to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel, and the Panel's Memorandum Opinion setting forth its findings of fact and conclusions of law, which are incorporated herein by reference.

Davidson Workers Compensation Panel

Carolyn F. Humphries v. KFC USA, Inc .
Authoring Judge: Senior Judge James L. Weatherford
Trial Court Judge: Hon. Robert S. Brandt,
This case is before the Court upon the entire record, including the order of referral to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel, and the Panel's Memorandum Opinion setting forth its findings of fact and conclusions of law, which are incorporated herein by reference.

Davidson Workers Compensation Panel

Agatha Lawrence v. Findlay Industries
Authoring Judge: William H. Inman, Senior Judge
Trial Court Judge: Hon. J. Richard Mcgregor,
This workers' compensation appeal has been referred to the Special Workers' Compensation Appeals Panel of the Supreme Court in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. _ 5-6-225(e)(3) for hearing and reporting to the Supreme Court of findings of fact and conclusions of law. I The plaintiff alleged that she suffered a series of injuries in April, June and August 1992 which aggravated an undescribed condition, and as of January 13, 1993 suffers from bilateral hand pain and numbness with cervical radiculopathy and carpal tunnel syndrome with specific thumb involvement. This case was filed in the General Sessions Court of Warren County, and was, by agreement, heard by the Clerk and Master, "acting as Judge of the General Sessions Court," on October 4, 1995. The trial court found that the plaintiff had a 4 percent permanent partial disability to her left arm, and a 24 percent permanent partial disability to her whole body as a result of a cervical injury. The employer appeals, (1) questioning the finding of a cervical injury, and (2) whether the award of benefits is excessive. II The plaintiff testified that she was, at trial date, "a young 65," who entered the labor market at age 15 or 16 as a sewing machine operator, where she remained 25 years. She obtained another job in the textile industry which required repetitive hand movements, following which she became an entrepreneur, operating a small grocery for three years. She testified that the grocery business also required repetitive movements. After her entreprenurial stint was over, she obtained a job as a school bus driver for ten years, followed by a series of three jobs in the textile industry, the final of which was with the defendant which, we infer, was of short duration. While employed by Easyware (the second of these employers after her bus- driver job) she had a successful carpal tunnel release performed on her right hand. 2

Lawrence Workers Compensation Panel