Trial Court Judge: Inman

Court of Appeals

Duncan v. Crawford, Maryville, For The Appellant.
Trial Court Judge: Inman

Court of Appeals

William M. Woodside, and Billy E. and Mary Agnita Woodside, Grandparents, v. Susan E. Woodside (Gilley)
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Trial Court Judge: Judge James R. Everett

This appeal arises from post-divorce decree proceedings to increase and enforce child
support. On October 11, 1994, the Trial Court entered an order finding the husband guilty of
willful contempt, awarded the wife judgment for $10,054 arrears child support, increased
weekly payments, awarded attorneys' fees and ordered the husband to be confined in the
workhouse for six months.

Davidson Court of Appeals

William M. Woodside, and Billy E. and Mary Agnita Woodside, v. Susan E. Woodside (Gilley) - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.

In 1987 the United States Supreme Court placed limits on the use of private lawyers to prosecute criminal contempt cases in federal court. Young v. United States ex rel. Vuitton et Fils, S.A., 481 U.S. 787, 107 S. Ct. 2124 (1987). This appeal calls upon us to decide whether similar limitations should be placed on the use of private lawyers to prosecute criminal contempt cases in state court. The majority has declined to adopt the reasoning of the Young decision based on an
unduly narrow view of this court's responsibility. I cannot join the majority’s opinion. Instead, I would find that the resolution of this important question must await another day because the appellant has waived his right to raise the issue by failing to make a timely demand for another prosecutor in the trial court.

Davidson Court of Appeals

In re: Estate of Harold L. Jenkins, Deceased, Hugh C. Carden and Donald Garis, Co-Executors/Appellees, v. Billy R. Parks
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Tom E. Gray

The claimant, Billy R. Parks, has appealed from a summary judgment of the Probate Court dismissing his claim against the captioned estate. Appellant presents the issues in the following form: 1. The Chancellor erred in ruling that Mr. Parks had no legal basis for making a claim on the theories of implied or quasi contract, or a theory of unjust enrichment of Mr. Jenkins. 2. The Chancellor erred in ruling that Mr. Parks could not recover under an implied or quasi contract theory because of the existence of an express contract between the parties.

Sumner Court of Appeals

Allen D. Heflin and wife Jean LaRue Heflin, as natural parents and next-of-kin of Hugh Allen Heflin, Deceased, v. Stewart County, Tennessee, et al. - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge William C. Koch, Jr.

I concur with the result of the majority's opinion but add this separate opinion to state my understanding of the source and nature of the duty of prison officials to persons who are placed involuntarily in their custody.

Stewart Court of Appeals

Allen D. Heflin and wife, Jean LaRue Heflin, as Natural Parents and Next-of-Kin of Hugh Allen Heflin, Deceased, v., Stewart County, Tennessee, et al.
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Trial Court Judge: Judge Robert E. Burch

The captioned plaintiffs have appealed from the dismissal of their suit against the defendant, Stewart County, Tennessee, arising out of the suicide of Hugh Allen Heflin in the Stewart County Jail. No complaint is made on appeal as to the summary dismissal of all other defendants. This suit is limited to damages for pain and suffering of deceased. Damages for wrongful death have been recovered in federal court.

Stewart Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: James E. Beckner

Hamblen Court of Criminal Appeals


Court of Criminal Appeals


Anderson Court of Appeals

Forrest City Grocery Company, v. Tennessee Department of Revenue
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor C. Allen High

The plaintiff, Forrest City Grocery Company, filed a declaratory judgment action in the Chancery Court of Davidson County alleging that the Unfair Cigarette Sales Law violates (1) the Sherman Antitrust Act, and (2) the plaintiff's right to due process. The chancellor found the issues in favor of the statute and dismissed the complaint. We affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

Bellsouth Advertising & Publishing Corporation, v. Reuben Bonilla and Marco Bonilla, Partners, D/B/A Car Stereo Shop and Mobile Phone
Authoring Judge: Presiding Judge Henry F. Todd
Trial Court Judge: Chancellor Robert S. Brandt

One of the captioned defendants, Reuben Bonilla, has appealed from the judgment of the Trial Court overruling his motion to set aside a default judgment in favor of the captioned plaintiff. The notice of appeal states: Notice is hereby given that Reuben Bonilla, defendant named herein, hereby appeals to the Court of Appeals from the order entered in this cause on the 21st day of November, 1994.

Davidson Court of Appeals

State of Tennessee, ex rel., Claudia Agee, v. J.C. Chapman, Jr.
Authoring Judge: Judge Ben H. Cantrell
Trial Court Judge: Judge Muriel Robinson

This is an appeal from a judgment of the lower court finding the respondent in contempt for failing to pay child support. The lower court sentenced the respondent to six months in jail but allowed him to remain free if he complied with the court's current support order and remained within the state. On appeal, the respondent argues that he had no notice of the original support order, that he was not given proper notice of the contempt charges, that the trial judge improperly denied his request for a jury, and that the trial judge erred in denying him the right to leave the state. In accordance with the following opinion we reverse the lower court's sentence for contempt and its injunction against leaving the state. Otherwise, we affirm.

Davidson Court of Appeals

The Metropolitan Gov. of Nashville and Davidison County, Tennessee and The Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority v. Overnite Transportation Company - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge Samuel L. Lewis
Trial Court Judge: Judge Hamilton Gayden

This is an appeal by the petitioners/appellants, Tennessee State Department of Transportation ("TDOT") and Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority ("MNAA"), from a jury verdict and judgment valuing four acres of  condemned property owned by the respondent/appellee, Overnite Transportation Company ("Overnite"), at $1,759,578.10.

Davidson Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals


Court of Appeals

Larry D. Turnley, Pro Se vs. State
Authoring Judge: Judge Robert W. Wedemeyer
Trial Court Judge: J. Randall Wyatt, Jr.
The Petitioner, Larry D. Turnley, appeals the trial court's dismissal of his petition for the writ of habeas corpus, which was treated as a petition for post- conviction relief by the trial court. The State has filed a motion requesting that this Court affirm the trial court's denial of relief pursuant to Rule 20, Rules of the Court of Criminal Appeals. The Petitioner filed his petition outside the statute of limitations for post-conviction purposes. Moreover, the petitioner is incarcerated in a federal prison, and federal prisoners are specifically excluded from state habeas corpus relief. Accordingly, the State's motion is granted, and the judgment of the trial court is affirmed.

Davidson Court of Criminal Appeals


McMinn Court of Criminal Appeals


Court of Appeals

Cyril v. Fraser
Trial Court Judge: D. Kelly Thomas, Jr.

Blount Court of Criminal Appeals

Bessie Lee King v. Davidson (NMN) Taylor - Concurring
Authoring Judge: Judge Alan E. Highers
Trial Court Judge: Judge D'Army Bailey

This appeal arises out of a paternity action filed by the Plaintiff-Appellee, Bessie Lee King, against the Defendant-Appellant, Davidson Taylor, to establish the paternity of King's minor child, Davene. The action was originally filed in the Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County, but was transferred to Circuit Court after Mr. Taylor requested a jury trial. Mr.  Taylor, Ms. King, and Davene submitted to a blood test. The sworn blood test results, which accompanied Appellee's motion for summary judgment, established that Mr. Taylor had a 99.65% probability of being Davene's father. Relying on both the blood test and T.C.A. § 24-7-112(b)(2) (Michie 1994), the trial court granted Ms. King's motion for summary judgment. Mr. Taylor appeals the decision of the trial court.

Shelby Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: D'Army Bailey

Shelby Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: James E. Swearengen

Shelby Court of Appeals

Trial Court Judge: Darrell Blanton

Shelby Court of Appeals